Tuesday, April 13, 2010

WarGames 'Shall we tend to play the legal game?' computer for sale; credit cards at DEFCON [*fr1] (video)

You are aware what sells? Nostalgia. Plus whereas you could be up up of the legal Kin generation, you suffer from undoubtedly heard the W.O.P.R. supercomputer utter the
text-to-speech phrase, "Shall we play a game?" from the speaker resting atop David Lightman's IMSAI 8080. The 1983 film WarGames could be the legal stuff of nerd legend, of geek folklore; a 1200 baud, acousticly-coupled, wardialing catalyst in a very Hollywood blockbuster which gave phreakers mainstream cred and a genuine chance at Ally Sheedy. Appraised at $25,000, the peerlessly preserved IMSAI 8080 and its associated peripherals is enough to go back sale to most of the people soon. Therefore embrace it, purchase it, and then give up your icon of computing to the Smithsonian where it are often admired for generations. Find out the 8080 after the break together allowing for a gratuitous
WarGames trailer tossed in simply for a laugh.

height="450">value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tAcEzhQ7oqA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" />

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